Untrimmed Lines by Zed Lopez

Version 1

"I7's line number phrase returns lines with left and right whitespace trimmed; other than using regexps, there isn't a built-in means to access the raw untrimmed line. This adds an ``untrimmed line number`` phrase."
Jump to extension code
Jump to "Untrimmed Whitespace" example


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


In Volume intfiction.org/t/46906 in the extension 6M62 Patches by Friends Of

You wrote 'Include (- [ Relation_ShowOtoO relation sym x [...] j2);
print "^"; } } } ]; -) instead of "Show One to One" in "Relations.i6t"' 6m62 patches by friends
of i7: but this syntax was withdrawn in April
2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See the
manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
In Volume https://intfiction.org/t/53835/4 in the extension 6M62 Patches by
Friends Of I7:

You wrote 'Include (- Array Flex_Heap -> MEMORY_HEAP_SIZ [...] ; ! allow
room for head-free-block -) instead of "The Heap" in "Flex.i6t"' 6m62 patches by friends
of i7: again, this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022.

You wrote 'Include (- [ HeapInitialise n bsize blk2; [...]
blk2-->BLK_PREV = Flex_Heap; ]; -) instead of "Initialisation" in
"Flex.i6t"' 6m62
patches by friends of i7: again, this syntax was withdrawn in April 2022.
Copy Include Untrimmed Lines by Zed Lopez to clipboard Include Untrimmed Lines by Zed Lopez.
This adds a single phrase:

the/an/-- untrimmed line number in ... text

It returns the corresponding line but unlike the plain 'line number X in', it
maintains and left or right whitespace.

Example: * Untrimmed Whitespace

Copy "Untrimmed Whitespace" to clipboard
"Untrimmed Whitespace"

Include Untrimmed Lines by Zed Lopez.

wabe-list is always
     { "And the wabe is the grass-plot round[line break]",
       " a sun-dial, I suppose?' said Alice,[line break]",
       "surprised at her own ingenuity.[line break]",
       "[line break]",
       "'Of course it is. It[']s called wabe,[line break]",
       " you know, because it goes a long way[line break]",
       "before it, and a long way behind it.'[line break]" }.

Lab is a room.

When play begins:
   let wabe be "";
   repeat with i running from 1 to the number of entries in wabe-list begin;
     now wabe is "[wabe][entry i in wabe-list]";
   end repeat;
   say wabe;
   say "[line break]--[line break][line break]";
   repeat with i running from 1 to the number of lines in wabe begin;
     say line number i in wabe;
     say line break;
   end repeat;
   say "[line break]--[line break][line break]";
   repeat with i running from 1 to the number of lines in wabe begin;
     say untrimmed line number i in wabe;
     say line break;
   end repeat;
Version 1 of Untrimmed Lines by Zed Lopez begins here.

"I7's line number phrase returns lines with left and right whitespace
trimmed; other than using regexps, there isn't a built-in means to
access the raw untrimmed line. This adds an ``untrimmed line number``

Include 6M62 Patches by Friends of I7. [ need TEXT_TY_BlobAccess fix ]

Include (-
Replace TEXT_TY_BlobAccessI;
-) after "Definitions.i6t".

Include (-


[ BreakingCharacter ch blobtype;
   if (ch == 10 or 13) rtrue;
   if (blobtype == UNTRIMMED_LINE_BLOB) rfalse;
   if (ch == 32 or 9) rtrue;

[ TEXT_TY_BlobAccessI txt blobtype ctxt wanted rtxt
   brm oldbrm ch i dsize csize blobcount gp cl j;
   dsize = BlkValueLBCapacity(txt);
   if (ctxt) csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
   else if (rtxt) "*** rtxt without ctxt ***";
   brm = WS_BRM;
   for (i=0:i<dsize:i++) {
     ch = BlkValueRead(txt, i);
     if (ch == 0) break;
     oldbrm = brm;
     if (BreakingCharacter(ch, blobtype)) {
       if (oldbrm ~= WS_BRM) {
         gp = 0;
         for (j=i:j<dsize:j++) {
           ch = BlkValueRead(txt, j);
           if (ch == 0) { brm = WS_BRM; break; }
           if (ch == 10 or 13) { gp++;
                                           continue; }
           if (ch ~= 32 or 9) break;
         ch = BlkValueRead(txt, i);
         if (j == dsize) brm = WS_BRM;
         switch (blobtype) {
           PARA_BLOB: if (gp >= 2) brm = WS_BRM;
           LINE_BLOB: if (gp >= 1) brm = WS_BRM;
           UNTRIMMED_LINE_BLOB: if (gp >= 1) brm = WS_BRM;
           default: brm = WS_BRM;
     } else {
       gp = false;
       if ((blobtype == WORD_BLOB or PWORD_BLOB or UWORD_BLOB) &&
         (ch == '.' or ',' or '!' or '?'
             or '-' or '/' or '"' or ':' or ';'
             or '(' or ')' or '[' or ']' or '{' or '}'))
         gp = true;
       switch (oldbrm) {
           brm = ACCEPTED_BRM;
           if (blobtype == WORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp) brm = SKIPPED_BRM;
           if (blobtype == PWORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp) brm = ACCEPTEDP_BRM;
           if (blobtype == WORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp == false) brm = ACCEPTED_BRM;
           if (blobtype == WORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp) brm = SKIPPED_BRM;
           if (blobtype == PWORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp) brm = ACCEPTEDP_BRM;
           if (blobtype == PWORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp == false) brm = ACCEPTED_BRM;
             else {
               if ((ch == BlkValueRead(txt, i-1)) &&
                 (ch == '-' or '.')) blobcount--;
           if (blobtype == WORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp) brm = SKIPPED_BRM;
           if (blobtype == PWORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp) brm = ACCEPTEDP_BRM;
           if (blobtype == PWORD_BLOB) {
             if (gp == false) brm = ACCEPTED_BRM;
             else {
               if ((ch == BlkValueRead(txt, i-1)) &&
                 (ch == '-' or '.')) blobcount--;
     if (brm == ACCEPTED_BRM or ACCEPTEDP_BRM) {
       if (oldbrm ~= brm) blobcount++;
       if ((ctxt) && (blobcount == wanted)) {
         if (rtxt) {
           BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl, 0);
           TEXT_TY_Concatenate(ctxt, rtxt, CHR_BLOB);
           csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
           cl = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(ctxt);
           if (brm == ACCEPTED_BRM) brm = ACCEPTEDN_BRM;
           if (brm == ACCEPTEDP_BRM) brm = ACCEPTEDPN_BRM;
         } else {
           if (cl+1 >= csize) {
             if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
             csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
           BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
       } else {
         if (rtxt) {
           if (cl+1 >= csize) {
             if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
             csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
           BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
     } else {
       if ((rtxt) && (brm ~= ACCEPTEDN_BRM or ACCEPTEDPN_BRM)) {
         if (cl+1 >= csize) {
           if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
           csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
         BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
   if (ctxt) BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, 0);
   return blobcount;

-) after "Output.i6t".

To decide what text is an/-- untrimmed line number (N - a number) in/of/from (T - text):
   (- TEXT_TY_GetBlob({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}, {N}, UNTRIMMED_LINE_BLOB) -).

Untrimmed Lines ends here.